Wednesday, 26 December 2012


"Bring me back to my hotel room" said an old friend who came to Miri for a short holiday. Brought him to see Grand Old Lady and later Taman Awam. 

You have to spend at least 3/4 day to experience Lambir National Park and 2-4 day for Mulu. I'm not trying to conquer Hilamayas...I want to have a lite one he said....yawning!!!

The following day I brought him to Lutong to see the "OIL REFINERY" without its Oil, and stopped at the old unused "Lutong Air Strip, the one and only Miri Styled Drag race and ofcource adjacent to that (the beach) the "MAKAK BUBOK" livehood event of scooping shrimp for the not less popular MIRI BELACAN!!.....The thing of the past... AN OIL TOWN, BELACAN TOWN and now AN UNKNOWN RESORT CITY....Friend, I am your driver as well as your tourist guide at my own pleasure..please don't complain..I said.

Thursday, 13 December 2012



# Pork abattoir in Kedah. (Freedom of Food)

It was found to be an illegal abattoir,  NOT because Islamic law says that it is an Illegal abattoir but because the local municipality rules say so.  

The writer tried to infuse religious sentiments and  harp on its sensitivities to instill fear to the non-muslim about "Pas's Hudud Law" ( as they wish to equate it to)

The Qur’an prohibits the consumption of pork (Swine) in no less than 4 different places. It is prohibited in 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115.

The Bible prohibits the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus, the book of Deuteronomy and a similar prohibition is repeated in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 65 verse 2-5.

The issue on the Illegal abattoir in Kedah has nothing to do with the verses in the Quran and the Bible* but purposely raised to create animosity and split amongst the multi religious, cultured and ethnic in the country to serve the selfish interest of BN.

# Alcohol - raid (Freedom of Drinks)

Does it make sense to raid a teh tarik stall for alcohol drinker?   One must go to the place where alcohol are sold  and consumed to find if any muslim is consuming them at such place.  

Muslims are bound by rules in the Quran pertaining consumption of Alcohol and  "freedom of Drinks" of alcohol is totally not involved here unless you are involved in creating new "religion" with right and freedom to consume alcohol for other religion.

The Glorious Quran prohibits the consumption of alcohol in [AL-Qur’an 5:90] and there are also Prohibition of alcohol in the Bible [Proverbs 20:1] and [Ephesians 5:18]

The verses above does not limit the freedom of the non-believers.

# Billboards advertisement-dress code even to the non – Muslims in Pakatan Rakyat Kedah administration. (Freedom of Dress Code)"

Decency is not limited only to muslim.  It is a universally accepted norms. To have a municipal council granting or promoting indecency to the public is deemed very irresponsible. 

The point here is not about freedom but the intention of the writer  to point, redicule and associate Freedom of dress code to the islamic Hudud laws to scare those other than the muslim.

A young woman who worked in a Bank's  front desk dressed in G-String and Laced-bra right in heart of the world's  modern city would land herself in trouble if the dress she is wearing is prohibited by her employer (the Bank). 

Blaming the bank, the city council and the West for trying to limit her freedom to dress as such is absolutely ubsurd.

If walking naked in the street is a norm,  can you tell me that having clothing on be regarded as indecent? 

All the 12 points on freedom here is not all about freedom but it is an attempt to ridicule and paint a real bad image on PAS and Hudud Laws whilst  trying to embed and instill religious stereotype amongst Malaysian.