Thursday, 15 December 2011


When the draft of the COMPUTING PROFESSIONALS BILL 2011 is passed it would definitely acts as retardent, regressing development of all activities defined under its purview. 

The economic value generated from the industry defined under the draft Bill is  so enormous but once the grip is imposed, we would expect to experience a  diminishing return.

The government's effort to lure back IT professional and those in creative technologies would be defeated and country's problem of double brain drain would not be able to be put to its minimum level.

Malaysia would miss many valuable things through the unnecessarily imposition of stringent laws.

Thursday, 8 December 2011


Seorang remaja di temubual oleh pemberita sebuah akhbar pro pemerintah..

Pemberita : Apa pendapat kamu mengenai dengan parti pemerintah sekarang?

Remaja :  Tidak telus, Tidak ada kebebasan, Polisi yang tidak adil, Tidak memberi peluang kepada orang muda......

Keesokan paginya di pejabat dia bagitau boss mengenai temubual terseut. Boss tersangat marah kerana ianya boleh jejas business.. Boss mengarah remaja tersebut supaya panggil pemberita untuk ubah komen supaya pro-pemerintah.

Remaja : Hello...semalam saya ditemubual oleh tuan,  sudah kah komen tersebut di siar dalam akhbar pagi ini? Saya mahu ubah komen saya supaya pro parti pemerintah.

Pemberita :  Kami sudah siar dan kami juga sudah ubah dengan membuang semua perkataan "tidak".


Dalam pilihanraya seorang remaja (untuk pertama kali) tunai kewajipan mengundi...sebagai pengundi Pos.

Bila sampai rumah,

Ayah : Parti mana yang kamu undi?

Remaja : Parti pembangkang.

Ayah : Ini membahayakan kedudukan kamu sebagai pegawai kerajaan. Boleh jejas kedudukan ayah. Kamu balik ke tempat buang undi dan minta untuk undi semula...undi parti pemerintah.

Sampai di tempat membuang undi Pos.

Remaja : Sebentar tadi saya mengundi di sini dan ayah saya mahu undi saya di ubah ....untuk undi parti pemerintah.

Pegawai undi Pos : Kami sudah ubah !!!!..... 


by Mohdar Hj Ismail on Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 6:14p

I agree with the statement " Dont Change for the sake of changing" but change for the better in order to progress.

Most Malaysian Macro Economic Text Books endorses that one of the main cause of rural poverty is slow and sometime unwillingness to adapt to changes on the part of the rural population.

With more educated pll in the rural, changes gradually take place. Eg Use of machines and application of new technology in farming.

Govt should take a proactive role to provide infrastucture, aid and a friendly land policies, so that landless farmers from among the new generation can be successfully implement their project.

When poverty is eradicated, there is no need for PPRT free housing.

During the 60s and 70s there were no free PPRT Housing. Were they rich then? Now PPRT are provided.. are the people so poor now that they cant build their own home? or is the govt rich enough to give free house when at the same time our national debt level is at its critical level?

The Initial Malaysian Economic Plan was sucessful in elevating the economy of the rural. Then the 80s the govt embarked on mammorth project and put Malaysia on the world map and created many Millionairs.

Then the from 2000...the economy was driven by the momentum of the 80s and 90s and with no clear direction.  ...To be tont'd

Sibuti ......Lumba Perahu

Rakyat bergumbira pesta
Sikit duit pun berbelanja
Raja penyamun buat kira-kita
Berapa Hactare?
Ladang berhektar merata-rata
Untuk Rakyat hanya tinggal 1 -2 hasta

Habis pesta gumbira
Rakyat berkira kira
Uang dah habis dibelanja
Esok lusa coba kais apa yang ada
Dapat umpan sekadar sahaja
Balik pesta raja penyamun mula melakar
Tangan zalim tidak mengeletar