Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Kod percuma - hanya c&p ke cell goolesheet

Kod percuma - hanya C&P ke cell goolesheet - Untuk kod javascript, Number to Word conversion hingga 16 digit dengan symbol currency dan cent/sen, inbox

Ini adalah kod / function yang saya reka untuk Google sheet - number to word conversion yg pada asalnya saya buat dalam tahun 1994/95 (sebelum ada googlesheet agaknya) dan di guna dalam msexcel dengan memecahkan kod kedalam beberapa cell dan di 'concatenate' kan kerana cell hanya dapat memuatkan tidak lebih dari 255 karektor/aksara

Cell Googlesheet boleh memuatkan  5000 karektor / aksara maksima.

Diubahsuai dan dicantum untuk/dlm satu cell dalam Google sheet.

Ini hanya untuk integer. Boleh di tambah & sesuai ke 2 decimal dan ditambah ungkapan Ringgit dan sen supaya ia boleh digunakan untuk invoice, cheque/check writer & legal document.

Saya Tak Tau bagaimana orang lain buat. Yang saya Tau kod ini berfungsi untuk tujuan yang saya maksudkan.

Yang nak kod dalam JavaSscript inbox sy.

Sila Cut and paste

  '=(TRIM(IF(OR(B2>999999,B2<1),"This version is limited to 6 digit (integer only)",(IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,6))>99999,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,6))<1000000),INDEX({"","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),1))+1)&" "&"Hundred"&" "&IF(VALUE(INDEX({"100000","200000","300000","400000","500000","600000","700000","800000","900000"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),1))))/1000=VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),3)),"Thousand",""),"")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))>19999,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))<100000),INDEX({"Twenty","Thirty","Fourty","Fifty","Sixty","Seventy","Eighty","Ninety"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),1)-1)),"")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))>19999,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))<100000),INDEX({"","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine"},1,RIGHT(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),2),1)+1)&" "&"Thousand","")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))>9999,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))<20000),INDEX({"Ten","Eleven","Twelve","Thirteen","Fourteen","Fifteen","Sixteen","Seventeen","Eighteen","Nineteen"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),2))-9)&" "&"Thousand","")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))>999,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))<10000),CONCATENATE(INDEX({"","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),1))+1)," ","Thousand"),"")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,3))>99, VALUE(RIGHT(B2,3))<1000), CONCATENATE(INDEX({"","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,3),1))+1)," ","Hundred"),"")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,2))>19,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,2))<100),INDEX({"","Twenty","Thirty","Fourty","Fifty","Sixty","Seventy","Eighty","Ninety"},1, (VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,2),1)))),"")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,2))>9,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,2))<20),INDEX({"Ten","Eleven","Twelve","Thirteen","Fourteen","Fifteen","Sixteen","Seventeen","Eighteen","Nineteen"},1,RIGHT(B2,1)+1),"")&" "&IF(OR(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,2))>20,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,2))<10),INDEX({"","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight","Nine"},1,RIGHT(B2,1)+1),""))))

Selamat mencuba

Dan ini kod dalam Bahasa Malayu, kenyah, Kayan& Miriek.

Struktur kod tidak Sama dengan B.Inggeris


=TRIM(IF(OR(B2>999999,B2<1),"Versi ini di hadkan kepada 6 digit integer sahaja", IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,6))>99999,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,6))<1000000),INDEX({"","Satu","Dua","Tiga","Empat","Lima","Enam","Tujuh","Lapan","Sembilan"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),1))+1)&" "&"Ratus"&" "&IF(VALUE(INDEX({"100000","200000","300000","400000","500000","600000","700000","800000","900000"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),1))))/1000=VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),3)),"Ribu",""),"")&"  "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))>19999,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))<100000),INDEX({"Dua Puluh","Tiga Puluh","Empat Puluh","Lima Puluh","Enam Puluh","Tujuh Puluh","Lapan Puluh","Sembilan Puluh"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),1)-1)),"")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))>19999,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))<100000),INDEX({"","Satu","Dua","Tiga","Empat","Lima","Enam","Tujuh","Lapan","Sembilan"},1,RIGHT(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),2),1)+1)&" "&"Ribu","")&"  "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))>9999,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))<20000),INDEX({"Sepuluh","Sebelas","Dua Belas","Tiga Belas","Empat Belas","Lima Belas","Enam Belas","Tujuh Belas","Lapan Belas","Sembilan Belas"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),2))-9)&" "&"Ribu","")&"  "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))>999,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,5))<10000),CONCATENATE(INDEX({"","Satu","Dua","Tiga","Empat","Lima","Enam","Tujuh","Lapan","Sembilan"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),1))+1)," ","Ribu"),"")&"  "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,3))>99, VALUE(RIGHT(B2,3))<1000), CONCATENATE(INDEX({"","Satu","Dua","Tiga","Empat","Lima","Enam","Tujuh","Lapan","Sembilan"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,3),1))+1)," ","Ratus"),"")&"  "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,2))>19,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,2))<100),INDEX({"","Dua Puluh","Tiga Puluh","Empat Puluh","Lima Puluh","Enam Puluh","Tujuh Puluh","Lapan Puluh","Sembilan Puluh"},1, (VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,2),1)))),"")&"  "&IF(AND(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,2))>9,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,2))<20),INDEX({"Sepuluh","Sebelas","Dua Belas","Tiga Belas","Empat Belas","Lima Belas","Enam Belas","Tujuh Belas","Lapan Belas","Sembilan Belas"},1,RIGHT(B2,1)+1),"")&"  "&IF(OR(VALUE(RIGHT(B2,2))>20,VALUE(RIGHT(B2,2))<10),INDEX({"","Satu","Dua","Tiga","Empat","Lima","Enam","Tujuh","Lapan","Sembilan"},1,RIGHT(B2,1)+1),"")))


=TRIM(IF(OR(B2>999999,B2<1),"Versi itoi muat nam digit ajek",(IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),6))>99999,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),6))<1000000),INDEX({"","Seh","Debeh","Telouh","Pat","Limah","Nam","Tujuk","Madi'","Supiek"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),1))+1)&" "&"Ratau"&"  "&IF(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),2))=0,"Ribow"," ")," ")&""&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),5))>9999,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),5))<100000),INDEX({"","Debeh","Telouh","Pat","Limah","Nam","Tujuk","Madik","Supiek"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),1))) &" "&"Fuluk"&" "&IF(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),1))=0,"Ribow"," ")," ") &" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),4))>999,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),4))<10000),INDEX({"","Seh","Debeh","Telouh","Pat","Limah","Nam","Tujuk","Madi'","Supiek"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),1))+1)&" "&"Ribow","  ")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,3),3))>99,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,3),3))<1000), INDEX({"","Seh","Debeh","Telouh","Pat","Limah","Nam","Tujuk","Madi'","Supiek"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,3),1))+1)&" "&"Ratau"," ")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,2),2))>9,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,2),2))<100),INDEX({"","Debeh","Telouh","Pat","Limah","Nam","Tujuk","Madik","Supiek"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,2),1))) &" "&"Fuluk"," ")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,1),1))>0,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,1),1))<10),INDEX({"","Seh","Debeh","Telouh","Pat","Limah","Nam","Tujuk","Madi'","Supiek"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,1)))+1),""))))


=TRIM(IF(OR(B2>999999,B2<1),"Versi itou anun nem lubun bah keh",(IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),6))>99999,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),6))<1000000),INDEX({"","Jah","Luwah","Telou","Pat","Lemeh","Nem","Tujek","Ayah","Pien"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),1))+1)&" "&"Ato"&" "&IF(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),2))=0,"Evou",""),"")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),5))>9999,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),5))<100000),INDEX({"","Luwah","Telou","Pat","Lemeh","Nem","Tujek","Ayah","Pien"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),1))) &" "&"Nyap"&" "&IF(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),1))=0,"Evou",""),"")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),4))>999,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),4))<10000),INDEX({"","Jah","Luwah","Telou","Pat","Lemeh","Nem","Tujek","Ayah","Pien"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),1))+1)&" "&"Evou","")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,3),3))>99,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,3),3))<1000), INDEX({"","Jah","Luwah","Telou","Pat","Lemeh","Nem","Tujek","Ayah","Pien"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,3),1))+1)&" "&"Ato","")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,2),2))>9,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,2),2))<100),INDEX({"","Luwah","Telou","Pat","Lemeh","Nem","Tujek","Ayah","Pien"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,2),1))) &" "&"Nyap","")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,1),1))>0,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,1),1))<10),INDEX({"","Jah","Luwah","Telou","Pat","Lemeh","Nem","Tujek","Ayah","Pien"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,1)))+1),""))))


=TRIM(IF(OR(B2>999999,B2<1),"Versi anih deng ateng nem lubun tua",(IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),6))>99999,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),6))<1000000),INDEX({"","Ji","Duak","Telok","Pat","Lima","Nem","Tusu","Saya'","Pitan"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,6),1))+1)&" "&"Ato"&" "&IF(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),2))=0,"Libu",""),"")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),5))>9999,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),5))<100000),INDEX({"","Duak","Telok","Pat","Lima","Nem","Tusu","Saya'","Pitan"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,5),1))) &" "&"Pulu"&" "&IF(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),1))=0,"Libu",""),"")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),4))>999,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),4))<10000),INDEX({"","Ji","Duak","Telok","Pat","Lima","Nem","Tusu","Saya'","Pitan"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,4),1))+1)&" "&"Libu","")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,3),3))>99,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,3),3))<1000), INDEX({"","Ji","Duak","Telok","Pat","Lima","Nem","Tusu","Saya'","Pitan"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,3),1))+1)&" "&"Atuh","")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,2),2))>9,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,2),2))<100),INDEX({"","Duak","Telok","Pat","Lima","Nem","Tusu","Saya'","Pitan"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,2),1))) &" "&"Pulu","")&" "&IF(AND(VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,1),1))>0,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,1),1))<10),INDEX({"","Ji","Duak","Telok","Pat","Lima","Nem","Tusu","Saya'","Pitan"},1,VALUE(LEFT(RIGHT(B2,1)))+1),""))))

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Revocation of Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance No. 7, 1969


Revocation of Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance No. 7, 1969

Emergency (Essential Powers) Ordinance No. 7, 1969 (as amended).


This Ordinance declares a territorial sea of the Federation of Malaysia of 12 nautical miles except in specified areas where the territorial sea shall be measured in accordance with the Geneva Convention of 1958. The territorial waters for purposes of the Continental Shelf Act, 1966, the Petroleum Mining Act, the National Land Code and written laws relating to land of Sarawak and Sabah shall be 3 nautical miles (art. 4.2). (The Ordinance consists of the following 6 articles: Interpretation (2);

Malaysia: Act No. 68 of 1966, Emergency (Federal Constitution and Constitution of Sarawak) Act

An Act to amend the Federal Constitution and to make provision with respect to certain constitutional matters in the State of Sarawak, consequent upon a Proclamation of Emergency having been issued and being in force in that State.
WHEREAS a Proclamation of Emergency has on the fourteenth day of September, 1966 been issued by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong in respect of a grave emergency which the Yang di-Pertuan Agong is satisfied exists in the State of Sarawak;

AND WHEREAS it appears to Parliament that the following provisions of this Act are required by reason of the said emergency:

NOW, THEREFORE, be it enacted by the Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong with the advice and consent of the Dewan Negara and Dewan Ra'ayat in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:


This Act may be cited as the Emergency (Federal Constitution and Constitution of Sarawak) Act, 1966.


(1)In this Act-
"Chief Minister" means the Chief Minister of the State of Sarawak;
"Council Negri" means the legislature of the State of Sarawak;
"Governor" means the Governor of the State of Sarawak;
"Speaker" means the Speaker of the Council Negri;
"State Constitution" means the Constitution of the State of Sarawak;
"Supreme Council" means the Supreme Council of the State of Sarawak.
(2)Where by any provision of this Act the Governor is empowered to do any act in his absolute discretion, the Governor shall not be obliged, notwithstanding anything in the State Constitution, to consult with the Supreme Council., or to act in accordance with any advice tendered by the Supreme Council or any member thereof, in the exercise of his discretion.


(1)In Article 150 of the Constitution
(a)in clause (5), after the word "Constitution" where it first occurs, there shall be inserted the words "or in the Constitution of the State of Sarawak"; and
(b)in clause (6) after the word "Constitution" at the end thereof, there shall be added the words "or of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak".
(2)The amendments made by subsection (1) of this section shall cease to have effect six months after the date on which the Proclamation of Emergency issued by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong on the fourteenth day of September, 1966 ceases to be in force.


(1)Notwithstanding anything in the State Constitution Governor may, in his absolute discretion, summon the Council Negri to meet at such place and on such day or dates and after such period of notice as he shall think fit, and the provisions of the Standing Orders of the Council shall, to the extent that they are inconsistent with the directions of the Governor contained in the Summons, be deemed to be suspended.

(2)In order to ensure that any meeting of the Council Negri summoned as aforesaid is duly held and that any business which it is expedient, in the opinion of the Governor, should be transacted thereat is duly transacted and concluded, the Governor may, in his absolute discretion, direct that any of the Standing Orders of the Council Negri be suspended and give any special directions which he may consider necessary.

(3)Any such directions as aforesaid shall be in the form of a message to the Council Negri addressed to the Speaker, and the Speaker shall comply therewith.

(4)If the Speaker fails to comply with any direction given by the Governor as aforesaid, the Governor may, in his absolute discretion, nominate any member of the Council Negri to act as Speaker, and the member so appointed shall have all the powers of the Speaker, for the purposes of that meeting.


(1)If at any meeting of the Council Negri, whether held in pursuance of the provisions of section 4 of this Act or otherwise, a resolution of no confidence in the Government is passed by the votes of a majority of those members present and voting, and if after such a resolution is passed the Chief Minister fails forthwith to resign his office and to tender the. resignation of the members of the Supreme Council, the Governor may, in his absolute discretion, dismiss the Chief Minister and the members of the Supreme Council.

(2)Where the Chief Minister and members of the Supreme Council have been dismissed as aforesaid they shall forthwith cease to exercise the functions of their respective offices and the provisions of the State Constitution shall thereupon have effect for the purpose of appointing a new Chief Minister and members of the Supreme Council and for all other purposes pursuant thereto.

HANSARD 20/11/2011

Extract from local media
“Najib tables motion to revoke emergency proclamations
  • 1966 Emergency Proclamation issued in Sarawak for the state to resolve its political disputes;
  • 1969 Emergency Proclamation issued following the May 13 racial riots; and

2011-11-24 15:34
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 24 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak today tabled a motion in the Dewan Rakyat to revoke three emergency proclamations.
The proclamations, issued by the Yang di-Pertuan Agung, are the Emergency Proclamation 1966, Emergency Proclamation 1969 and Emergency Proclamation 1977.
The 1969 emergency proclamation was issued on May 15, 1969, following racial riots two days earlier.

The 1966 and 1977 emergency proclamations, issued on Sept 14, 1966, in Sarawak and Nov 8, 1977, in Kelantan, respectively, were aimed at resolving political disputes in the two states.
Najib, in tabling the motion, said the move to annul the emergency proclamations was made because the conditions which threatened security and public order then no longer existed.
He said that any ordinance made under the emergency proclamations and laws formulated under Article 150 of the Federal Constitution when the emergency proclamations were in force would cease to be effective six months after the emergency proclamations are annulled.
He described the annulment of the laws as important and monumental and as courageous as the measures taken by past leaders to declare the emergencies.

"The annulling of the emergency proclamations is proof that the government is always prepared to reform the country's laws in accordance with the times and strengthen government efforts to ensure that the country remains progressive.

"It is also done because we believe in the maturity of Malaysians," he said.
Najib said the annulment of the emergency proclamations is the second phase of the Political Transformation Programme (PTP) as announced in conjunction with Malaysia Day in September.

The first phase involved the abolition of the Banishment Act 1959 and the Restricted Residence Act 1933.

"The government will table the necessary legislation in March 2012," he said.
In his speech, Najib took a swipe at the opposition political parties, saying that they were willing to promise anything to garner the people's support.

"The real test for a government is to do something when it has the authority to do so. Thus, we find that those not in power can promise the sun, moon and the stars.

"They may say 'try us out first'. But, I am sure that Malaysians will not gamble their future away but place their trust in us, the tried and the tested," he said.

The government lifts the existing three emergency proclamations which in effect makes the Emergency Ordinance void.
(Free Malaysia Today) – The government today lifted the three existing emergency proclamations, rendering the Emergency Public Order and Prevention of Crime Ordinance 1969 (EO) void.

In accordance with clause (7) Article 150 of the Federal Constitution, the EO would lapse in May, six months after the proclamations are lifted.

The three proclamations are:
1977 Emergency Proclamation issued in Kelantan on Nov 8, 1977 to resolve the state’s political disputes.

“The reason the proclamations are lifted is because the emergency situation which threatens the security, economic livelihood and public order does not exist at the present moment,” Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak told the Dewan Rakyat.

He also informed the House that with the EO rendered void, a need arises for the government to take the necessary steps to ensure that there would be no difficulties or obstacles for the authorities to control crime, protect economic livelihood and ensure public order.

The existence of the proclamations also gave the government, under Article 150 of the Federal Constitution, to make laws without passing them through Parliament.

However, Najib said with the lifting of these proclamations, the government no longer has the power to make laws under Article 150.”

HANSARD 24/11/2011

Monday, 4 June 2018



Undang2 darurat Emergency Essential Power (EEP) Order No 7 menghadkan perairan Sabah dan Sarawak (dari yang diistihar Order in Council 1954, kepada hanya 3 batu neutika.

PDA74, di kuatkuasakan pada 1/10/1974.

Dengannya Petronas di bentuk dan diperbadankan dibawah Akta Syarikat 1965.

Pada 26/3/1974, Tun Razak serah (vest) kuasa keatas minyak dikawasan perairan SS yang di istihar dalam EEP Order No 7.

Dengan itu semua mineral minyak yang terdapat luar dari 3 batu neutika perairan SS "DIMILIKI OLEH PETRONAS." kerana pengistiharaan yang dibuat semasa dan diatas EEP Order No 7 tidak boleh di bawa ke mahkamah.

Kemudian Perjanjian minyak telah di buat oleh Petronas dengan kerajaan negeri Sabah dan Sabah secara  erasingan.

Kerajaan Sabah Pada 14/6/1976 oleh Ketua menteri Sabah Datuk Harris Salleh dan Kerajaan Sarawak dalam 1975 oleh TKM Sarawak bagi pihak KM Tun Rahman Yaakub.

Manakala, antara perkara yang disebut dalam perjanjian itu adalah ;

"Perjanjian ini dibuat pada hari ke-14 Jun 1976 antara KERAJAAN Negeri Sabah (selepas ini dirujuk sebagai KERAJAAN Malaysia sebagai satu pihak dan Petroleum Nasional Bertad, sebuah syarikat yang diperbadankan di bawah Akta Syarikat, 1965 yang mana pejabat berdaftarnya terletak di No .136, Jalan Pudu, Kuala Lumpur (Selepas ini dirujuk sebagai PETRONAS) dari bahagian lain.


(1) Dengan Akta Pembangunan Petroleum, 1974, keseluruhan hak milik, dan hak eksklusif, kuasa, kebebasan dan keistimewaan meneroka, mengeksploitasi, memenangi dan mendapatkan petroleum sama ada terletak di pantai atau luar pesisir Malaysia terletak pada PETRONAS.

(2) Peletakhakan pemilikan, hak, kuasa, kebebasan dan keistimewaan, yang disebut sebelum ini telah berkuatkuasa menurut pelaksanaan instrumen bagi maksud itu, dan;

(3) KERAJAAN dan PETRONAS berhasrat memeterai suatu perjanjian menurut Seksyen 4 Akta yang disebut terdahulu berkenaan dengan pembayaran tunai yang dibuat oleh PETRONAS kepada KERAJAAN sebagai balasan bagi pemilikan, hak, kuasa, kebebasan dan keistimewaan yang disebut sebagai yang tersebut di atas menghormati petroleum;

DENGAN SEDEMIKIAN INI sebagai balasan bagi hak pemilikan, kuasa, kebebasan dan keistimewaan yang berkaitan dengan petroleum yang diberi hak oleh KERAJAAN, ITU ADA DENGAN INI DENGAN INI:

1. (1) PETRONAS hendaklah membuat pembayaran tunai KERAJAAN dalam bentuk jumlah tahunan yang bersamaan dengan 5% nilai petroleum yang dimenangi dan disimpan dari kawasan di Sabah dan dijual oleh PETRONAS atau agen atau kontraktornya semasa tempoh yang diperuntukkan dalam fasal 2.

(2) Nilai yang akan diguna pakai untuk tujuan sub-fasal 1 CLAUSE ini akan direalisasikan enam harga purata F.O.B bulanan yang diperolehi oleh PETRONAS atau agennya.

(3) Mana-mana Petroleum yang digunakan oleh PETRONAS, ejen-ejennya atau kontraktor untuk tujuan penggerudian dan pengeluaran pengeluaran hendaklah disifatkan sebagai dijual bagi maksud mengira pembayaran tunai di bawah Klausa ini.

2. Bayaran tunai yang dibayar di bawah perjanjian ini akan dibayar setiap setengah tahun. Bayaran berkenaan dengan petroleum yang dimenangi, disimpan dan dijual dalam tempoh separuh tahun pertama hendaklah dibuat pada atau sebelum hari pertama bulan September dan pembayaran berkenaan dengan petroleum yang dimenangi, disimpan, dan dibayar dalam tempoh separuh tahun kedua hendaklah dibuat pada atau sebelum hari pertama bulan Mac tahun berikutnya.

3. Adalah dipersetujui dan diisytiharkan bahawa bayaran tunai yang kena dibayar di bawah perjanjian ini hanya akan dibayar selama petroleum diperoleh dan tidak akan dibayar lagi jika petroleum berhenti mendapat mati atas apa-apa sebab atau sebab apa pun, yang mana tidak pembayaran melalui pampasan hendaklah dibayar untuk kehilangan pembayaran tunai yang sebaliknya akan dibayar di bawah perjanjian ini.

4. Lebih lanjut dipersetujui bahawa dengan mempertimbangkan premis di atas, PEMERINTAH ini dengan ini mengetepikan apa-apa hak royalti atau apa-apa bayaran lain yang kena dibayar menurut mana-mana pajakan minyak, lesen atau perjanjian di bawah Ordinan Tanah Sabah atau mana-mana undang-undang bertulis lain yang berhubungan dengan petroleum yang sedang berkuatkuasa di Sabah;

Dengan syarat bahawa fasal ini tidak terpakai di mana di bawah mana-mana perjanjian petroleum yang dibuat oleh KERAJAAN di bawah mana-mana undang-undang bertulis yang berkuatkuasa yang berkaitan dengan petroleum petang hendaklah dibayar kepada NEGERI berkenaan dengan peruntukan operasi tempat tinggal dan premis pejabat dan apa-apa bangunan lain apa sahaja tanah dan dalam kes tersebut di mana perjanjian petroleum berhenti berkuatkuasa menurut peruntukan seksyen 9 Akta Pembangunan Petroleum, 1974, sewa itu hendaklah terus dibayar kepada kerajaan oleh PETRONAS atau ejen atau kontraktornya pada kadar yang yang dipersetujui bersama oleh pihak-pihak dalam perjanjian ini.

5. Dalam perjanjian ini perkataan "Petroleum" mempunyai arti yang diberikan kepadanya oleh Akta Pengembangan Petroleum 1974.

6. Nota-nota marginal adalah untuk kemudahan sahaja dan tidak menjadi sebahagian daripada perjanjian ini.

7. Perjanjian ini hendaklah dinyatakan dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Inggeris. Dalam hal keraguan, teks perjanjian dalam Bahasa Inggeris akan berlaku.

Di dalam kesaksian di mana pihak-pihak dengan ini telah menyebabkan Perjanjian ini dilaksanakan dengan lancar

Ditandatangani dimeteraikan dan dihantar untuk dan bagi pihak
daripada PEMERINTAH negeri Sabah oleh

Datuk Harris Bin Mohd. Salleh
Yang Mulia Ketua Menteri
Sabah di hadapan

Common Seal PETROLEUM NATIONAL BERHAD di sini ditempelkan di hadapan


Setiausaha "


Komen : Perenggan 5 – Dengan sedemikian…. (##” KERAJAAN” mengikut perjanjian ini adalah keranaan negeri Sabah/Sarawak) Dan Kerajaan Sabah dan Sarawak adalah pemilik asal dan bukan dapat pemilikan berasaskan PDA74 melalui vesting.

Pada 23/11/2012 Najib istihar di Parlimen bahawa undang darurat yang dikuatkuasakan pada 15/5/1969 dibakalkan berkuakuasa 24/5/2012.

Maka dengan pembatalan undang2 darurat 15)5/1969 maka, perairan Sarawak seperti asal sebelum Perjanjian Malaysia kembali jadi hak milik Sarawak.

Walau bagaimana pun, tidak sampai satu(1) bulan dari pembatalan tersebut, satu akta baru yang memuatkan 7 seksyen di gubal dan dikuatkuasakan pada 22/6/2012 iaitu Territorial Sea Act 2012.

Dengan Akta itu, perairan Sarawak telah dikecilkan semula ke 3 batu neutika dan semua galian termasuk minyak diambil semuka oleh kerajaan peraekutuan.

Apakah TSA2012 itu mengikut lunas Perlembagaan oersekutuan dan MA63?

Akta 7 seksyen Territorial Sea Act 2012 telah dikuatkuasakan pada 22/6/2012.

Had Territori Laut
Seksyen 3.

(1) Tertakluk kepada peruntukan Akta TDA2012, lebar wilayah laut Malaysia, untuk semua tujuan adalah 12 batu nautika

(2) Garis asas lebar wilayah laut daripada mana, disukat, untuk semua tujuan, ditentukan mengijut Seksyen 5 garis asas Maritime zone act 2006.

Territorial Sea Act 2012 dilihat tidak seiring dan bercanggah dengan FEDERAL CONSTITUTION dimana;

Article 1. (3)  Subject  to  Clause  (4),  the  territories  of  each  of  the  States mentioned  in  Clause  (2)  are  the  territories  comprised  therein immediately  before  Malaysia  Day.

Article 2.  parliament  may  by  law—

(b)  alter  the  boundaries  of  any  State, but  a  law  altering  the  boundaries  of  a  State  shall  not  be  passed without  the  consent  of  that  State  (expressed  by  a  law  made  by the  Legislature  of  that  State)  and  of  the  Conference  of  Rulers.

Article 1. (3)  Subject  to  Clause  (4),  the  territories  of  each  of  the  States mentioned  in  Clause  (2)  are  the  territories  comprised  therein immediately  before  Malaysia  Day.

Article 2.  parliament  may  by  law—

(b)  alter  the  boundaries  of  any  State, but  a  law  altering  the  boundaries  of  a  State  shall  not  be  passed without  the  consent  of  that  State  (expressed  by  a  law  made  by the  Legislature  of  that  State)  and  of  the  Conference  of  Rulers.

Article 4.  (1)  this  Constitution  is  the  supreme  law  of  the  Federation and  any  law  passed  after  Merdeka  Day  which  is  inconsistent with  this  Constitution  shall,  to  the  extent  of  the  inconsistency, be  void.


Sarawak territory before the signing of MA63 based on Order in Council 1954.

Ini berkaitan terus dengan PDA74 dimana vesting yang dibuat oleh Tun Razak pada 26/3/75 dibawah peeunyukan PDA74, sudah tidak boleh dikuatkuasa.

Pada masa perjanjian petoleum di tandatangani oleh kerajaan Sabah dan Sarawak,masing2nya pada 76/75, hak keatas minyak sudah di vest kepada petronas tetapi sebelum perjanjian dimeterai.

Ia boleh bermaksud;

(a) Hak sudah Milik Petronas dan baru kemudian perjanjian dimeterai untuk dapat hak milik. Maka perjanjian Petromeum itu sendirinya telh menidakkan hak pe.ilikan yang di serahkan(vest) oleh Tun Razak pada 26/3/1975

(b) Mendapat dan menyerah hak kepada petronas sebelum mendapat kebenaran kerajaan Sarawak.

Walaubagaimana pun Pindaan kepada Artikel 1(2) perlembagaan persekutuan dimana status Sabah dan Sarawak telah diturunkan dari staus rakan kongsi kepada negeri dibawah Persekutuan Tanah Melayu harus di selesaikan dahulu samada ianya dibuat mengikut peruntukan Perlembagaan persekutuan atau tidak.

Untuk pinda Artikel 1(2) seperti yang dilakukan dalam 1976, Parlimen harus dapat persetujuan dari DUN Sabah dan Sarawak sebab  pada asalnya Sabah dan Sarawak adalah pihak2 kepada MA63  dan tidak sama status seperti negeri2 dibawah peesekutuan tanah Melayu.

Kesanya ialah jika ianya mengikut perlembagaan, maka TSA2012 yang dikuatkuasakan pada 22/6/2012 juga akan mengesahkan PDA74 untuk mengusai wilayah laut luar dari 3 batu nautika.